The Rings Story

I’d like to give a heartfelt thank you to Woodland Church in Battle Creek, MI. They have been partners with us since the beginning. They have been “all in” with, volunteers, advice, their resources, facilities and many other blessings. In December, 2023 they helped me create a promotional video. They did a great job in taking all of my emotion and producing a basic, understandable, explanation of who we are. The following video is their product. Thank you so much.

Super Bowl winning coach Tony Dungy states in his devotional called “Uncommon Life, “Whether you start something big or something small, act on your desire to help and see where it goes.”

This is the story of RINGS, and our desire to, improve our community, as my very wise mechanic said, “One car at a time.”

Rings is a faith based non-profit that provides free transportation to needy families, especially single moms, in the Battle Creek, MI area.

Rings really began with my daughter Libby. In 2018, my healthy high school junior became seriously ill. Multiple doctors were telling us different things. My wife, Joleen, and I were preparing to provide long term medical care for Libby. 

One Friday in January of 2019, in desperation we ended up at a church prayer service. I can’t explain it. In an instant, Libby was 100% well. I’ll ask her if she ever has those symptoms anymore and she’ll say, “No dad, where’s your faith?” 

So, with that in mind I started looking for ways to help. At first, I wanted to do something like Habitat. My guys laughed at that and said, “Brian! You buy cars for a living, stay in your lane, stick with what you know.” This was refined into the idea of helping women in crisis get their mobility back. In a way, like Libby got hers’.


So, I put the word out at church that I wanted to fix up and give away cars. I recruited a former tech, and one volunteer. We began working, often just hanging out, in a backyard garage. One giveaway became two, and we were off.

Along the way we’ve had our up and downs. We’ve restored cars that seem to last forever and cars that were disappointments. The three original members of the Rings team have all had some health struggles. Our sweet spot is providing restored “metal” to single mothers, but need is need and we have attempted to serve God’s children, as the Father leads us.

I am eternally grateful for the men, women, community organizations, churches, donors, prayer warriors, body shops, dealerships, professional garages, and Saturday morning donut fueled volunteer mechanics that have come along side Rings. Your generosity, compassion and sacrificial love defines you.

For the Glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are all RINGS. “Wrench, Bless, and Repeat”

Love, and JOY, Brian (

The Piston Ring

The main functions of piston rings in reciprocating engines are: Sealing the combustion chamber so that there is minimal loss of gases to the crank case. Improving heat transfer from the piston to the cylinder wall. Regulating engine oil consumption by scraping oil from the cylinder, cleaning the cylinder walls and replenishing the oil in the sump.

Christ Followers

We are called to act as a PISTON RING (Matt 22:34-40, Matt 28: 16-20). To reach out to the lost where they are in love (SEALING their Combustion Chamber, transforming lives) and build a healthy church (cleaning walls, replenishing oil). The RINGS ministry, strives to serve Battle Creek, MI in this way.


RESTORE – To joyfully restore vehicles for the purpose of providing those in need with transportation to better care for their families.   (Psalms 51:12 – Restore to me the joy of your

salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.)

INVITE – To invite others to work alongside auto professionals learning about cars and life in a friendly, mentoring environment.  (Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.)

NAVIGATE – To navigate life together for a purpose.  (Ecclesiastes 4:12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.)

GIVE – With a heart of restoration, we shall become God’s mechanics, affording growth and bestowing God’s blessings to advance his Kingdom.  All glory and honor are His.  (Acts 20:35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”)

SERVE – In Thankfulness, we serve our city, through the giving of vehicles, empowerment, and love, one car at a time.  (1 PETER 4:10. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.)